Yucca treculeana

Yucca treculeana is found in various states from northern Mexico and southern Texas to the Gulf of Mexico coast..

In general, grows with a single trunk, but sometimes it branches.

It can reach a height of 2-7m.

The color of the leaves can range from dark green to blue and in their natural habitat they are in

average of 80 100 cm long and 5 cm wide, but in nurseries they can reach lengths of 120 a 140 cm.

For most people, difficult to distinguish between similar species,

such as Y. torreyi, AND. schidigera and Y. faxoniana, but the Y. treculeana is distinguished by the absence of filaments in the margins of the leaves.

When the trunk is cut it has a reddish brown color and deep irregular grooves.

It is a good candidate for cold climates (-15 ° C), as we have seen in recent years,

always recovers, even when the head is rotten or frozen.

Additional Information

Weight 3 kg

Yucca treculeana



PLANT 50-60 CM


Origin deserts of Northern Mexico

Height: Until 5-7 meters.

Rusticidad: 6b (-15º C).

Exposition: sunny.

Irrigation: Allow to dry between waterings
