Nannorrhops ritchiana silver

Nannorrhops ritchiana silver reaches 1700 meters of altitude in its

inhabited and covered in snow for long periods.

It is an extraordinarily rustic palm tree, with underground trunks

and/or prostrate that branch (something especially rare among palm trees)

and that die after bearing fruit (monocarpic palm).

There are two varieties, one with light green leaves that

It is more resistant to cold (about -20ºC), and the other with leaves of a beautiful bluish color.

Prefers sunny situations and adapts to everything

type of soils, even the very poor ones.

Its growth rate is slow.

Resists strong, dry winds as well as salinity.

Your transplant is difficult.

Additional Information

Weight 1 kg

Nannorrhops ritchiana silver



PLANT 20-25 CM


Common name: Palmera mazari.
Origin: middle East.
Height: 3-4 meters
Rusticidad:7B (-14º C).
Exposition: Sunny.
Irrigation: Allow to dry between waterings.

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