Agave victoriae-reginae

Agave princess-art plant suculenta the family Asparagaceae (before Agavaceae)

very popular in collections around the world for its attractive appearance.

This plant is native to Mexico and is in serious danger of extinction

by intensive extraction of their natural habitat copies for profit

The main attraction of the species lies in its rosette of leaves.

The rosette is usually quite small compared to other plants of the genus (+/- 60 cm diameter).

The leaves are small and form a very compact and attractive rosette.

These are curved and always directed towards the center of the rosette.

Arguably water accumulation on leaves thickness Conspicuous.

The predominant color is dark green with numerous whitish lines that run both the beam and the undersides.

White lines mentioned above cause an optical illusion where the leaves appear to have prismatic.

All leaves end in a thick spine and brown. Always seen white whole region where the spine arises.

Additional Information

Weight 4 kg

Agave victoriae-reginae


46,50 VAT included.



Origin: Mexico.
Height: –
Rusticidad: 9b (-3,8º C).
Exposition: Soleada.
Irrigation: Allow to dry between waterings.

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